Gold Jewelry
Fast Cash buys all types and styles of gold jewelry, from 10k, 14k, 18k, to 24k. Our fast, professional and friendly gold buyers will evaluate and determine a price for your gold jewelry. We determine the content of the gold, and then calculate the price of the gold content based on the spot gold price for the market that day. Gold jewelry comes in many different karat contents:
10k gold is 41.7% gold.
14k gold is 58.3% gold.
18k is 75% gold.
24k is 100% gold.
Not only does Fast Cash pay the most for your gold, we also pay extra for diamonds and precious to semi-precious stones. If the gold jewelry has designer stamps or names, it could be worth significantly more.
If you are not sure if your gold is real, bring it in and we will test it to determine if the gold is genuine. Fast Cash also buys broken, damaged, bent, and unwanted gold.